
Covid-19 Road Map out of lockdown: Managing the City Safely and Outdoor Events Programme 2021

Date of Meeting:

29 March 2021

Report of:

Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture 

Contact Officer:


Donna Chisholm

Ian Taylor


01273 292571



Ward(s) affected:








1.1         This report outlines the spring and summer plans and multi-agency approach which will aim to ensure that Brighton & Hove is prepared and ready to welcome back visitors and keep residents safe as lockdown restrictions are eased in accordance with the government’s Spring 2021 road map out of lockdown.


1.2         The overriding aim is to support the city to come out of lockdown in such a way that keeps the rates of COVID transmission low.  The city is not out of the pandemic and this report forms part of the wider Local Outbreak Plan in a situation that may yet change unpredictably.  The overall focus remains on the city re-opening in a safe and managed way, to support our tourism, events and hospitality industry but also keep residents and visitors protected from new infection.  This will be the key to supporting the sustainable recovery of the city economy in the longer term.   


1.3         This report also clarifies to members the process by which decisions for the Outdoor Events Programme 2021 will be made, particularly in relation to Government guidance which is subject to change, together with the fluidity of impact of the pandemic locally within the city.


1.4         Initial landlord’s consent for outdoor events is determined by the council many months in advance, however, whether any event can go ahead is still very much dependent on all the safety and event permissions being in place at the time of the event. With regards to the pandemic this also includes operating within government restrictions and guidance in place at the time, as well as taking local epidemiology into account.


1.5      The Outdoor Events Programme has changed as organisers have responded to direction from government regarding events in 2021.  Officers have also provided advice to organisers on the timing of events to comply with the road map.



2          RECOMMENDATIONS:          


2.1      That the committee notes the multi-agency approach that will operate from the beginning of April until the end of September 2021 to co-ordinate operations with the aim of safely and coherently managing city as lockdown restrictions are eased.


2.2      That the committee agrees that £1.01M of Contain Outbreak Management Funds is allocated to the Managing the City Safely City Co-ordination Group to support the work that aims to ensure that the city is prepared and can manage the easing of lockdown restrictions as outlined in Appendix 2 and paragraphs 3.5 to 3.17.


2.3      That the committee agrees that the revised events programme listed in Appendix 1 of this report should take place in accordance with the government’s road map and associated guidance, following the approach outlined in paragraphs 3.26 to 3.38.


2.4      The committee notes that final permission for events will take place for each event once the relevant step in the government’s road map for coming out of lockdown has been reached, following discussion with event organisers and the Safety Advisory Group, the multi-agency group that oversee events in the city.      




Government’s Road Map out of Lockdown


3.1         On 22nd February 2021, the Prime Minister announced the government’s road map to cautiously ease lockdown restrictions in England.  The road map outlines the government’s four step route back towards a more normal life. Step one of the road map commenced with the return of schools on the 08 March.


3.2         As part of step one, there will be further limited changes from 29 March, the week in which most schools will break up for Easter. Outdoor gatherings of either 6 people or 2 households will be allowed, providing greater flexibility for families to see each other. Outdoor facilities, such as tennis and basketball courts will be allowed to reopen. At this point, the Stay at Home order will end although many lockdown restrictions will remain.


3.3         The subsequent steps of the government’s road map for easing lockdown are as follows:


            Step 2, no earlier than 12 April:


·         Non-essential retail, personal care premises, such as hairdressers and nail salons, and public buildings, such as libraries and community centres, will reopen.

·         Most outdoor attractions and settings, including zoos, and theme parks, will also reopen although wider social contact rules will apply in these settings to prevent indoor mixing between different households. Drive-in cinemas and drive-in performances will also be permitted.

·         Indoor leisure facilities, such as gyms and swimming pools, will also reopen - but only for use by people on their own or with their household.

·         Hospitality venues can serve people outdoors only. There will be no need for customers to order a substantial meal with alcohol, and no curfew - although customers must order, eat and drink while seated.

·         Self-contained accommodation, such as holiday lets, where indoor facilities are not shared with other households, can also reopen.

·         Funerals can continue with up to 30 people, and the numbers able to attend weddings, receptions and commemorative events such as wakes will rise to 15


      Step 3, no earlier than 17 May:


·         Outdoors, most social contact rules will be lifted - although informal gatherings of over 30 people will remain illegal.

·         Outdoor performances such as outdoor cinemas, outdoor theatres and outdoor cinemas can reopen. Indoors, the rule of 6 or 2 households will apply - although we will keep under review whether it is safe to increase this.

·         Indoor hospitality, entertainment venues such as cinemas and soft play areas, the rest of the accommodation sector, and indoor adult group sports and exercise classes will also reopen.

·         Larger performances and sporting events in indoor venues with a capacity of 1,000 people or half-full (whichever is lower) will also be allowed, as will those in outdoor venues with a capacity of 4000 people or half-full (whichever is lower).

·         In the largest outdoor seated venues where crowds can spread out, up to 10,000 people will be able to attend (or a quarter-full, whichever is lower).

·         Up to 30 people will be able to attend weddings, receptions and wakes, as well as funerals. Other life events that will be permitted include bar mitzvahs and christenings.


      Step 4, no earlier than 21 June:


·         It is hoped all legal limits on social contact can be removed.

·         We hope to reopen nightclubs and lift restrictions on large events and performances that apply in Step 3.

·         This will also guide decisions on whether all limits can be removed on weddings and other life events.


3.4         In the meantime, the vaccination programme within the city continues at pace, with the announcement of a new target to offer a first dose of the vaccine to every adult by the end of July. The government hopes that the increased protection offered by vaccines will gradually replace the restrictions, with the roadmap published today providing the principles of the transition.


            Managing the City Safely out of lockdown – a multi-agency approach


3.5         As the city comes out of lockdown in accordance with the road map, it is likely that visitors will return and the city will become busy.  Work is taking place with the aim of ensuring that the city is prepared for each step in the easing of the lockdown restrictions


3.6         Brighton & Hove is a proud to be a leading visitor destination which welcomes around 12 million visitors a year.  The visitor economy generates around £976M each year and supports more than 24,000 jobs directly, with many associated services also relying on this sector. The impact of COVID upon the city’s visitor economy has been significant and this last year has been tremendously challenging for operators across hospitality, transport, sports, arts, culture, events and many others.


3.7         The city council recognises the importance of supporting our businesses in the visitor economy to recover as quickly as possible and it is recognised that this summer will be an important step in this recovery.  The aim is to welcome people back, but only when it’s safe to do so, making sure that the city provides a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.


3.8         It is also recognised that some residents will feel concerned about this year’s busy season and it’s important that plans are in place and that the city is a prepared as possible for when lockdown eases and people come to visit. 


3.9         Over the summer period last year, as the wave 1 lockdown restrictions were eased, the city experienced high levels of visitors to our beaches, parks and open spaces.  Whilst there is no evidence that the large number of visitors led to transmission of the virus, the crowds on our beaches and in our parks did put pressure upon services such as street and beach cleaning and seafront management.  This summer it is anticipated that the number of people travelling to Brighton & Hove for a staycation visit could be higher than ever before because an international travel ban is currently in place.


3.10      This year, a multi-agency approach led by Brighton & Hove City Council, the police and other partners will draw on the learning from summer 2020 and from our knowledge of a year living with the virus. It will also bring in our experience of managing a successful year-round large-scale events programme safely over many years.  The aim will be to ensure a planned approach to managing the city’s infrastructure and operations to deal with the extra demand summer will bring.  This will enable a safe and managed approach to welcoming visitors back to the city, so our businesses, that rely heavily on tourism, can thrive and the recovery of the economy can be supported.


3.11      In accordance with the city’s Local Outbreak Control Plan, it is proposed that a multi-agency approach will operate from the beginning of April until the end of September to co-ordinate operations with the aim of managing the city safely as lockdown restrictions are eased.  A ‘Managing the City Safely’ multi-agency City Coordination Group has been formed to ensure plans are in place for managing the increase in visitors that will come to the city over the summer and the risk that services may become overwhelmed at peak periods. It will also be important to ensure that plans are informed by the latest epidemiology in the city.  The multi-agency Coordination Group will be formed of officers who are involved in managing the city including City Council officers from the seafront team, highways, city clean, city parks, environmental health and licensing, trading standards, and emergency planning.  Sussex Police will attend the meetings and other partners will be invited to attend as appropriate. 


3.12      With a focus upon the city centre areas, our seafront and beaches, and our parks and open spaces, the City Coordination Group will meet on a weekly basis to review the management of the city and plan ahead for events and points in the summer calendar.  Examples of the approach that the City Coordination Group will put in place and manage are:

·         The provision of enhanced businesses support to assist the safe opening up of the local economy.

·         Training for businesses in public facing sectors of the economy on COVID safe practices.

·         Additional Environmental Health Officers providing capacity for focussed technical assistance on Covid safety measures across all sectors including events, hospitality and licensed premises.

·         Preparing city streets for the return of public through street cleaning programmes such as jet washing.

·         Additional waste collection services along the seafront and in our busiest parks and open spaces and the provision of extra waste bins in our heavy footfall areas.

·         Recruitment of a full lifeguard service to support sea safety along the seafront. 

·         Expansion of the COVID Marshalls team with more staff in place across the season to patrol key town centre locations, beaches and open spaces and welcome back visitors whilst providing a greater presence to inform and remind visitors of social distancing measures.

·         Additional Environmental Health Officer(s) to support businesses and events organisers.

·         Investigating the option of bringing in supplementary public toilet provision for the warmer summer months (end May – early September) to cope with the expected demand.

·         Consideration of the recruitment of additional civil enforcement officers to issue penalty charge notices for those parking illegally or irresponsibly.


3.13      Keeping residents and visitors safe is a priority and will be the driving factor behind the work of the City Coordination group.  As the situation improves and government guidance changes in accordance with the road map, the council hopes to welcome back visitors to the city.  The aim is to re-start activities quickly post-lockdown, but host visitors in a way that is managed and safe. 


3.14      The City Coordination Group will consider information each week that will help to plan for the week(s) ahead, such as forthcoming outdoor events, unplanned events, latest Covid-19 data, weather forecasts, tide times and sea conditions.  The group will also work with transport providers outside the area to identify any potential increase in visitors arriving, ensuring targeted messaging is in place to make sure those coming to the area are aware of the behaviours expected of them.  Enhanced communications and signage will encourage visitors to dispose of their rubbish properly and to respect and protect our city as well as targeted information on enforcement measures that are in place for that stage in the road map.


3.15      The messaging from the City Council will be that we want to welcome responsible visitors back to enjoy our city and COVID prevention is at the heart of our approach.  Visitors that treat the city with care, behaving responsibly and in a COVID safe way are welcome and will play an important part in the city’s recovery.  However, encouraging people to visit the city must not be at the expense of people’s health. The aim is to reassure our communities that a lot of planning is underway which should allow people to travel to enjoy our city, while keeping both residents and visitors safe.


3.16      As outlined in recommendation 2.2 of this report, it is proposed that £1.01M of Contain Outbreak Management Funds are allocated to the Managing the City Safely City Co-ordination Group to support this work.  A table outlining how this money will be used is provided in Appendix 2.


3.17      As with any approach to managing the city in busy periods, there is always a risk that the city could become overwhelmed and services stretched as a result.  The approach outlined in this report aims to mitigate this risk as far as possible but it would not be possible to eliminate all risks of any incidents of pressure upon city services or other incidents occurring. 


            Managing the Seafront during the Summer Season


3.18      The number of sea swimmers and water users along our coastline has grown exponentially in the past year.  This has been due in part to the prolonged period of warm weather we experienced last spring and summer, but principally due to the lack of alternative leisure opportunities and the number of residents and visitors who enjoyed staycations as a result of Covid-19 restrictions.  Many visitors to our city and beaches will not be experienced sea users and will not be familiar with the risks that are present or how to respond in a dangerous situation.  Whilst the council has a duty of care to beach users which it takes very seriously there is no statutory requirement for local authorities to provide lifeguard cover.  However, for many decades the council has chosen to provide lifeguards on its beaches and continues to do so.


3.19      It is the council’s intention for summer 2021 to provide beach lifeguard cover which replicates, as far as is feasible, the pre-Covid lifeguard service. The council has already started what is a lengthy recruitment and selection process and the advertisement for beach lifeguard jobs is active now.  The lifeguard season will commence on Saturday 29th May and operate until Sunday 5th September. Lifeguards will operate, were resources allow, on select beaches during this time with additional beaches in West Hove, Saltdean and Rottingdean covered during the six week period of the traditional school summer holiday.


3.20      However, there are significant caveats to this which centre on the ability to recruit a sufficient number of qualified beach lifeguards to cover these posts, as well as compliance with whatever COVID restrictions and operating protocols may be in place at the time. 


3.21      During the pandemic beach lifeguard training and assessment courses have not been able to run and it is not clear when this restriction may be lifted.  On a national level this has significantly reduced the number of qualified beach lifeguards from which beach operators can select their seasonal staff.  The issue faced by the council is centred on the availability of appropriately qualified staff coupled with the fact that the requirement for working within COVID-safe protocols increases the number of staff who need to be recruited.  The existing budget for the provision of lifeguards will be used in full to provide the most effective safety coverage across our 13km of seafront.  However, this budget is likely to be exceeded if recruitment of the required number of lifeguards is successful and extra equipment, uniform and PPE is required.


3.22      In addition to planning the lifeguard service there is also a strategy in place to manage high volumes of litter on the beaches this year.  The measures include the introduction of additional bins to significantly increase holding capacity,  purchase of new waste collection vehicles to speed up and increase emptying of the bins, timely recruitment of the seasonal beach cleaners, signage and Comms messaging to remind people not to litter and increased presence of Environmental Enforcement Officers on the seafront.  Work will also continue to take place with local groups on anti-littering campaigns.   


3.23      As lockdown eases and government guidance permits, the council will be

supporting volunteers and community groups with beach cleans.  Voluntary groups and the council have joint action planning to keep the city and the seafront clean.  Both Surfers against Sewage and Leave no Trace Brighton are involved.  Leave No Trace Brighton will be based at Brighton railway station during busy periods from July to September handing out re-usable cups with anti-littering messaging and encouraging visitors to deal with their waste properly.  Leave No Trace Brighton advise that they have agreed that Govia Thames link will make anti-littering announcements on trains during the summer season.   As a group, these voluntary organisations, with the council, are working with traders on the seafront to try to encourage them to eliminate single use plastic packaging, cups etc and manage their waste more responsibly.


3.24      The COVID restrictions in the early part of last year created a significant issue with regards to toilet provision on the seafront.  Bars and restaurants were permitted to open to sell alcohol and food for takeaway but were unable to open their indoor toilet facilities.  This considerably reduced the facilities available to the wider public and therefore put a strain on existing council provision.  Businesses this year will be able to open their toilets from 12th April which will assist with customer demand.  However, it is anticipated that all of our beaches will be busy throughout the summer again this year as many residents and visitors chose to Staycation.  Some of the outlying beaches which have traditionally had less footfall than the main central beaches have less provision as a result.  Officers are therefore investigating the options of bringing in supplementary public toilet provision for the warmer summer months (end May – early September) to cope with the expected demand.


3.25      By the very nature of the activity, swimmers and water users generally take a risk whenever they enter the sea.  More often than not they will do so without a lifeguard being present.  Experienced individuals will weigh up the risks and make their own decision on whether to enter the water.  They will adapt their actions depending on a number of external influences such as tides, temperature, sea conditions and whether or not a lifeguard is present. However, many visitors to our city and beaches will not be experienced sea users and will not be familiar with the risks that are present or how to respond in a dangerous situation.  Whilst the council cannot lifeguard all of the beaches all of the time our experienced and highly skilled Seafront Team continues to proactively manage the beaches in a way which mitigates the risks wherever possible.  However, ultimately the sea remains a dangerous place and individuals have to be responsible for their own actions and safety.


            Brighton & Hove’s 2021 Outdoor Events Programme


3.26      Each of the events in the 2021 Outdoor Events Programme were given consent

(subject to the execution of formal agreements) by the Tourism, Equalities, Communities and Culture Committee (TECC) in November 2020. The committee authorised the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture, after consultation with the Chair of TECC and opposition spokespersons, to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary.  This included approving new applications in accordance with the Outdoor Events Policy and cancelling events if required. Since this time the pandemic has resulted in new lockdowns and new government guidance across many sectors.  The events industry has had to react to this, with some organisers cancelling their events, some postponing until 2022 and some moving their event to later in the calendar year to provide the greatest possible chance of it taking place. Some of the consents granted by the November TECC Committee are now not required.


3.27      The Government’s road map and associated guidance provides the framework event organisers are required to respond to. Operational requirements, particularly for Step 3, around key elements for the events industry such as social distancing, group sizes, test and trace and capacities, will be laid out within the guidelines and implemented by event organisers.


3.28      An events programme that is organised in accordance with the government guidance on COVID-safe event management can play an important part in managing the city safely over the summer. By having events taking place in a controlled way across the city, activities are provided for residents and visitors which enable the safe management of crowds. As well as supporting the recovery of both the visitor and cultural economy, it is felt that a city that includes a managed vibrant events programme is preferable to a city that has a significant return of visitors in an unmanaged way. 


3.29      It is proposed that the road map, with all appropriate COVID secure measures in

place, is used as the basis for permitting any events on council land in 2021. The council’s contractual arrangements will allow it to cancel events if the road map does not allow for those events to take place. The council will only take this step following consideration of the relevant Event Safety Management Plan by the Safety Advisory Group. 


3.30      The event organisers that operate within the city have a strong track record of managing events safely and professionally. Last year many of the event operators demonstrated that they are able to manage socially distanced events successfully and safely in accordance with the government guidance.  Organisers have spent the last year planning for appropriately socially distanced events to take place this year and are proposing significant investment in new infrastructure. 


            Aligning the 2021 Events Programme with the Government’s Road Map


3.31      Cross referencing the roadmap with the Events Programme in 2021, certain

types of events would be permitted under the conditions outlined in paragraph 3.3 above.  There are no mass gathering events proposed for the second stage of restrictions lifting on 12 April 2021.  The third stage on the 17 May 2021 enables outdoor seated venues to open for performances and indoor events to happen under specific conditions.  The Council has the following events in this category happening from this date:


The Warren                        Victoria Gardens

Spiegeltent                           Old Steine

Ladyboys of Bangkok        St Peters’ Square

Luna Cinema                      Beach, between Pier and Marina


3.32      From the 21 June further restrictions are lifted and this could enable larger indoor

      and outdoor events to occur.  The Council has the following events in this

            category happening from this date until the end of 2021.


Circus Berlin                       Preston Park

Half Marathon                     Seafront / City Centre

Paddle Round the Pier      Hove Lawns

Kite Festival                        Stanmer Park

Comedy Festival                 St Peters’ Square

RSPCA Open Day              Braypool

Saltdean Lions Gala           Saltdean Oval

Electric Vehicle Rally          Madeira Drive

Zippos Circus                      Hove No1 Lawn

Warren on the beach          Beach

About the Young Idea         Seafront

Pride                                   Various (see 3.25)

Roaring Twenties                Hove Lawns

Thai Festival                        Preston Park

Fiery Foods Festival            Seafront

Lagoon Festival                   Hove Lagoon

Speed Trials                        Madeira Drive

Ace Café Reunion               Madeira Drive

Brighton Marathon               Various

Race for Life                       Stanmer Park

DIFC Bike Ride                   Madeira Drive

Foodies Festival                Hove Lawns

Boundary Festival               Stanmer Park

Brighton Breeze                  Madeira Drive

Veteran car Run                Madeira Drive

Christmas Market               Valley Gardens

Burning the Clocks             City Centre / seafront


            A full list of proposed outdoor events and their dates can be seen at Appendix 1.


3.33        There have been some major changes to the programme for this year. 

        These changes can be summarised as follows.


·         Principal cancellations:  The Great Escape, London to Brighton Bike Ride, Triathlon, Big Culture Project, Land Beyond, Noughty Nineties, Incarnation, Children’s Parade, Mini Run.


·         Principal Date changes:   Brighton and Hove Half Marathon from February to June 27th.  Brighton Marathon from April to September 12th.   Spiegeltent running from May 28th to July 11th.   The Warren running from May 28th to July 11th.  Ladyboys of Bangkok running from May 28th to June 27th.


3.34    Brighton and Hove Pride have yet to finalise their plans for 2021.  The Government’s road map is challenging for this organisation because of the long lead-in time they require to plan such a large event.  Announcements on the timing and nature of future stages of the Road Map will clarify what is possible for this year’s Pride festival.  In June 2020 the TECC committee gave consent for the Pride CIC to run the event in the years 2021-2026 and granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Culture to agree terms.  Any material changes to terms compared to previous years would require consultation with lead members of the committee.


3.35   There is a robust event planning process in place for every large-scale event.

            The Council’s Safety Advisory Group, which is a multi-agency group made   

up of the emergency blue-light services and council officers, including Public Health, meets regularly to scrutinise and assess the safety of events. Particular focus is now upon COVID safety including the scrutiny of Risk Assessments by numerous agencies.  This group make recommendations to senior council officers on whether events should proceed, based on the likely levels of risk combined with the safety preparations undertaken by organisers. They will also consider the local epidemiology in making recommendations.


3.36    In addition, the council are part of a pan-Sussex Resilience Forum around events to ensure consistency as a region.  The response to requests to hold events is balanced between public safety and the need for businesses to restart, reducing job losses across the city.


3.37   Event organisers and promoters will be at the forefront of planning COVID safe events. Already well versed in providing an Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP) there is now an additional requirement to complete COVID Safe Event Management Plans and Covid-19 Risk Assessments.  These are scrutinised using a template devised by the Sussex Resilience Forum, widely used throughout Sussex.


3.38    At the time of writing this report more detailed guidance for the outdoor event sector is yet to be announced. It is proposed that the city council supports training where needed for the sector to fully comply with COVID safe practices.

            It can be expected that measures put in place for events taking place within Step 3 will include the following examples:


·         Social Distancing

·         Cleansing and Sanitising

           Touch points reduced

           Sanitisers installed at key touch points

           Staff issued with personal supply of sanitiser

           Enhanced cleaning of high touch points

·         Ventilation

           Marquees to be open at all times

           All temporary structures – toilets, back of house etc reviewed

·         Staff Welfare / Hygiene

                                 All staff to undertake Covid-19 training

                                 All staff to wash hands on arrival at work and throughout shift

                                 All staff to be issued their own work equipment and PPE

·         Supporting Test and Trace

            Official NHS QR codes will be displayed throughout the event

            Details will be retained for 21 days in line with guidelines

·         Face coverings and PPE

            Face coverings may be required in all indoor areas unless eating     

            or drinking

            PPE to be used by all staff as appropriate


            Additional Government Funds to Re-open

3.39    Last year the government announced the Re-opening the High Streets Safely Fund with ERDF funding which greatly restricted in its use.  The council has able to use this money for marshalling, signage and some advertising to support businesses.  A new £56 million Welcome Back Fund for England was announced on 20th March 2021.  A press release indicates this could be used to improve green spaces, provide more outdoor seating areas, markets and food stall pop-ups – giving people more options to safely reunite with friends and relatives.  Government indicates that part of this funding will be allocated specifically to support coastal areas, to safely welcome visitors in the coming months. However, operational details have not been released and if it is ERDF funded there will be restrictions that may limit how can be spent.

3.40    When details are released, officers will consider whether there is an opportunity to use the funding to support the reopening of our high streets and the hospitality sector and to manage the city safely as it comes out of lockdown.  Where possible this will include engagement with local business via organisations such as the Business Improvement District and Tourism Alliance.                   



4.1         The report outlines a managed, multi-agency approach to re-opening the city in accordance with the government’s road map out of lockdown.  The proposed approach builds on the learning from the last year of managing the city during the pandemic.  The alternative would be to have a less managed and coordinated approach.  This is likely to create a greater risk that the city is unable to cope well with increased visitor numbers and the council is less able to support the local visitor and cultural economy to recover.




5.1      Ongoing consultation will take place with Ward Councillors, Sussex Police, East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, South East Coast Ambulance Service, NHS Trust, Public Health, Environmental Health & Licensing, City Parks, Civil Contingencies, Sustainability and Highways. Detailed consultation will also follow as the events are developed between the respective event organiser and our partner agencies.






6.1       The report outlines the spring and summer plans and multi-agency approach which will aim to ensure that Brighton & Hove is prepared and ready to welcome back visitors.  Plans aim to keep residents safe as lockdown restrictions are eased in accordance with the government’s spring 2021 road map out of lockdown.


6.2       The Outdoor Events Programme is very important to the economy of the city, however permission for an event to take place on council land will be subject to the Government guidelines in relation to the covid-19 pandemic and the changing impact of the pandemic on the city.




Financial Implications:


7.1       This report recommends the allocation of £1.01M from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) to support the expenditure set out in appendix 2. The COMF is a grant received from government with the objectives of supporting councils to reduce the spread of coronavirus in their area, support local economies and public health. The funding is non-repayable and can be used in 2020/21 as well as 2021/22.


7.2       There is local discretion on the use of this resource with the expectation the investment supports the objectives of the grant. The council anticipates receiving £6.5m through this grant by 31/3/2021 with £5.3m already received. Officers are currently identifying a range of exceptional expenditure items and will present proposed allocations to a Policy & Resources committee or sub-committee in the near future.   However, the need for a multi-agency approach to managing the city safely requires early certainty of resources and therefore this allocation will have first call on the grant. The proposed use of the funding identified in appendix 2 meets the objectives of the grant.


            Finance Officer Consulted:     James Hengeveld                        Date: 18/3/21


Legal Implications:



7.3      The terms of the agreements with the event organisers will allow the Council to withdraw consent on public health grounds if the Council does not feel the event should go ahead.


7.4      Whilst the TECC committee is the correct committee to have given consent in relation to the outdoor events and Pride, these recommendations have corporate policy and budgetary considerations and Policy & Resources Committee is therefore the appropriate committee to consider the recommendations.


            Lawyer Consulted: Alice Rowland                                                Date:  18/3/21


            Equalities Implications:


7.5      The Outdoor Events Programme caters for people from all sectors of the community as there are a diverse range of events that are staged in the city each year. Issues such as physical access to an event and designated viewing areas are developed and detailed in event plans where applicable. Major event organisers will be required to complete an Equalities Impact Assessment, new for 2021. Events will consider their audience and the additional adaptations required to ensure a Covid secure environment e.g. posters/documentation converted into alternative languages.


            Sustainability Implications:


7.6      All events are planned and staged in accordance with the statutory powers and planning obligations as set out in the Outdoor Events Policy.


7.7         The nature of outdoor events means that they often involve a range of potential sustainability impacts (both positive and negative) from travel, energy and water use, food, local economic and social impacts, use of outdoor spaces and production of waste. Through the requirement of organisers to complete a newly introduced Environmental Impact Assessment and Action Plan event organisers will be required to think more carefully about these impacts, monitored and held to account if they wish to return to the city in the future.


Brexit Implications:


7.8         There are no identified implications.


8          Any Other Significant Implications:


            Crime & Disorder Implications:


8.1       The City Co-ordination Group is a multi-agency approach to managing the safety of the city over the period to September 2021.  As part of this, Sussex Police will be part of consultations and are involved in the planning of all major events.


            Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:


8.2     The City’s Safety Advisory Group has an overview of all the events that take place in Brighton and Hove that have the potential to attract significantly large numbers of people. A protocol and good working partnerships between the council and emergency services are in place in the city and close agency working will be integral to both the planning and delivery of these events.  Public health advisers are present at the Safety Advisory Group to input on COVID safe practices.


8.3     Event-specific Safety Advisory Groups can be convened for all major outdoor events taking place in Brighton and Hove.





            Public Health Implications:


8.4     The diverse range of events has the potential to contribute positively to the health and well-being of the participants. This includes the direct benefits of taking part in physical activity events such as those for running, walking and cycling. Furthermore, events can contribute to a sense of community, local pride and cultural identity which can have a positive impact on the well-being of those involved. However, events will need to meet COVID safe requirements in accordance with national guidelines.


8.5       Current national guidance indicates organised outdoor events should be permitted unless they pose a threat to public health, provided that they follow relevant guidance and adhere to all legal requirements.Even when all necessary permissions are granted, the local authority can consider prohibiting, restricting or imposing requirements if they consider an event presents a serious and imminent threat to public health.











1     List of proposed outdoor events 2021

2     Table of Indicative Expenditure from Contain Outbreak Management Funds to Manage the City Safely for 2021/22


Documents in Members’ Rooms


1.         None



Background Documents


1.        None